-10% Home Support for Polivar-PolyVar Yellow®: Antivarroa 35.5 €7.56 €8.40 Allows a quick and easy application of Polyvar: the strips are fixed to the mask by interlocking. The strips remain securely attached to the hive entrance without having to reposition them. Comfortable, durable and easy to use, it uses normal door guides. From Check the length of your doors Add to basket
-25% Prophylaxis “Furetto” gas anti-varroa vaporiser €330.00 €440.00 'Furetto' vaporizer of acaricidal substances by means of gas heating. The principle of its operation is the vaporization of the acaricidal product inside a stainless steel coil made red-hot by a gas burner. Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis 100 ml needleless syringe €2.47 €2.90 Plastic needleless syringe to dispense product in the hive. Also useful for filling bottles with royal jelly Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Api-Bioxal 350 g. €89.25 €105.00 Api-Bioxal is the only oxalic acid-based product which can be used in Italy to fight against bee varroosis. For further details and to download the information materials, please click on the product link. Add to basket
Prophylaxis Propane/butane gas cartridge for vaporiser €12.00 Propane/butane gas cartridge for vaporiser Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis EasyCheck - Varroa monitoring system €25.08 €29.50 Recommended periods for monitoring: LATE WINTER/SPRING/SUMMER - DURING THE HARVEST - AFTER THE HARVEST, always to understand the need/urgency for any treatment. HOW TO USE: METHOD WITH ALCOHOL: Fill with a liquid containing alcohol between 40% and 70% up to a maximum of half of the container and then take the bee sample with the container. Separate the... Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Sulphur discs 1000 g. €17.55 €19.50 Sulphur discs to treat the materials against the wax moth. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Lisoplus 250 ml €27.90 €31.00 Apiforte has definitively changed its name, the new commercial name is Lisoplus (European registered trademark) Improves hygienic conditions in the hive and greatly increases the performance of colonies and their resistance to external pathogens IDEAL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Hornet and wasp bottle trap. Packet of 5 pieces €10.20 €12.00 How it works: TAP-TRAP® is a very simple, yet effective, bio-trap to catch massive quantities of flying harmful insects. The following baits are recommended for hornets and wasps (also Asian hornets): - half litre of water + 3 spoons of sugar or honey + 1 glass of red vinegar, or - half litre of beer + 2 spoons of sugar or honey, or half litre of white... Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apibioxal 500 ml - Liquid ready to use €25.65 €28.50 Veterinary medicine based on oxalic acid with glycerol against varroa - READY TO USE An innovative formula with high efficacy against varroa, safe and well tolerated by bees. PACKAGING: 500 ml bottle - WHEN TO USE: Spring, summer and winter in the absence of brood (induced or natural) Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis EasyCheck - Varroa monitoring system €25.08 €29.50 Recommended periods for monitoring: LATE WINTER/SPRING/SUMMER - DURING THE HARVEST - AFTER THE HARVEST, always to understand the need/urgency for any treatment. HOW TO USE: METHOD WITH ALCOHOL: Fill with a liquid containing alcohol between 40% and 70% up to a maximum of half of the container and then take the bee sample with the container. Separate the... Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Api-Bioxal 350 g. €89.25 €105.00 Api-Bioxal is the only oxalic acid-based product which can be used in Italy to fight against bee varroosis. For further details and to download the information materials, please click on the product link. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Stainless steel super-hive tool €11.16 €12.40 We are constantly in contact with professional beekeepers. This means we strive to make their super-hive detaching work easier. The stainless steel super-hive tool, with its ergonomic plastic handle, is designed to detach super-hives without running the risk of hurting your hands. (22 cm) Add to basket
Prophylaxis Sulphur discs approx. 140 g, 15 pcs €4.50 Sulphur discs to treat the materials against the wax moth. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apivar strips (packet of 10 strips - Amitraz active principle) €30.60 €34.00 Amitraz-based strips to treat varroosis. Every bag contains 10 plastic strips. Add to basket
-20% Prophylaxis Professional sublimator SUBLIMOX Plus €392.00 €490.00 Oxalic acid sublimation device. Add to basket
Production of royal jelly and queens Cage for bees "Nicot" €0.40 Plastic cage to introduce queens "Nicot" Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Hive tool, model "Americana", painted €14.85 €16.50 Painted steel hive tool, model "Americana". Add to basket