-15% Beehives Migration 10-comb anti-varroa hive, with super-hive and waxed frames. €144.50 €170.00 Cube-shaped beehive with removable anti-varroa base (fixed with screws), nest, super-hive, waxed frames, comb cover, metal sheet cover and metal accessories. The super-hive is not visible in the picture, but it is included, just like the super-hive frames. Add to basket
-5% Beehives Swarm box with 6 polystyrene frames €27.55 €29.00 Swarm drawer in high density expanded polystyrene with mesh bottom for 6 honeycombs with spacers. Compared to the photo, the following are not included: sheet metal roof, honeycomb cover with feeder and waxed sheets. The dimensions of the bottom net are approx. cm. 30x12. Internal dimensions: mm 450x232x325 Add to basket
-15% Beehives Glass observation super-hive 43x50 for 10-comb hive €90.10 €106.00 Glass and wood observation super-hive. It can be opened on all sides. Suitable both for observation hives and regular hives. Frequently used for learning purposes. Add to basket
-15% Beehives Observation hive, for 10 brood frames, with inserted frames €212.50 €250.00 Dadand Blatt observation hive with glasses on all the four sides, for 10 frames, composed of brood chamber with 10 frames, crown board and a flat or sloping lid. Looking at the inner life of a hive is always fascinating. Especially suited for educational purposes Add to basket
-10% Beehives Migration 10-comb anti-varroa beehive. Nest only. €87.30 €97.00 Beehive with removable anti-varroa base (fixed with screws, unlike the one in the picture), nest, comb cover, metal sheet cover and accessories. The super-hive and the nest and hive frames shown in the picture are not included. Add to basket
-10% Beehives Anti-varroa 12-frame hive for migration, equipped with super and frames €131.40 €146.00 Hive with movable antivarroa bottom (with perforated sheet metal net) complete with bottom, nest, super, inserted frames, both of the nest and of the super, cable cover, sheet metal cover and various accessories. The transport mask IS NOT INCLUDED. Add to basket
-10% Beehives Roof for beehive, 12 frames €20.70 €23.00 Roof for 12 frames beehive, with galvanised metal cover. Internal dimensions: 52x51.5x8.5cm. Add to basket
Beehives Swarm-holding carton 5-comb box €3.20 5-comb carton box for swarms. To be assembled. Very easy to assemble; a transpiration net can be fitted using adhesive tape. This box can be used to sell swarms or for pollination operations. Internal measurements: 46.5x21.5x35 Add to basket
Accessories Cup-holding wooden stick with groove €1.10 Wooden stick to be fitted in the holding frame, with a special groove to insert cups. The groove is 9 mm wide and 5 mm deep. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Large light hair brush €6.57 €7.30 Large light hair brush, with long wooden handle and thick natural hair, approx. 50 cm Add to basket
Equipments Cartoncino assorbente mm 350x500x2 €1.20 Absorbent pure cellulose cardboard 50x35x0.2 cm Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 12 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 12 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 12-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive brood nests. Add to basket
-15% Production of royal jelly and queens Plastic cups (250 pcs) €19.55 €23.00 Package containing 250 plastic cups for the protection of queen bees or royal jelly to be fitted on the stick frame. Add to basket
Accessories Metal corner for hive €0.20 Metal corner joint for hive to connect the brood nest and the super. It is advisable to use 3 joints for each hive, two in the front and one in the back of the hive brood nest. The fourth corner (free) is used to allow the insertion of the hive tool when it is necessary to raise the crown board (or the super). A tool-rest joint may be inserted in the... Add to basket
-10% Accessories Queen excluder, metal wire, 50x50 with frame €19.53 €21.70 Queen excluder, metal wire, 50x50 with frame. It allows preventing the queen from entering the super and laying eggs. It allows having always clean super frames and makes them also less attractive for wax moths which are attracted by the brood smell. The frame allows for better adherence between the brood nest, the queen excluder and the super. Add to basket
Accessories Rotating disk, four positions €1.00 Rotating disk with 4 positions for crown boards. The positions are: closed, open, aeration, queen excluder. In the "open" position, it allows inserting the cylindrical or square feeder. The total diameter is 125 mm. The diameter of the hole is 45 mm. Add to basket
Accessories Notched door only, summer/winter for 12-comb beehive (with guides) €1.40 Gate with toothed gate on both sides, winter/summer position, mm. 445, with guides, for hive of 12 frames. Add to basket