Accessories Rotating plastic disc €2.10 Three-position plastic disc that can be used as a door for queen fertilization nuclei or for small hives. It has three positions: exclude queen, ventilation and door. The diameter is 8 centimeters. Add to basket
-10% Accessories 46 cm wide metal sheet drawer (movable base for 12 combs) €4.41 €4.90 Galvanised metal sheet drawer to be fitted in the anti-varroa bottom to collect varroa mites during treatments. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Special paint for hive, 1 kg (different colours) €23.40 €26.00 Special paint for hive, 1 kg. Available colours: blue, White, green and yellow ochre. Add to basket
Accessories Round-hole plastic grille for pollen, with board €8.50 Plastic grille for pollen. A line of 9 holes with a moulded board at the base to help forager bees get in. The grille can be divided in two lengthwise to create 2 pollen traps. Dimensions: 4 mm hole diameter, 100 mm height, 395 mm length, 10 mm thickness. Add to basket
Accessories Cap for crown board hole, 42 mm €0.30 Plastic cap for crown board, diam. 42 mm Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 11 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 11 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 11-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive supers. Add to basket
-15% Beehives Hot brand for beehives €242.25 €285.00 Hot brand for beehives with gas burner and hose (without pressure regulator and type). Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 12 frame hives €12.50 Pre-folded sheet for 12 frame hive roofs (545x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
Accessories Spacer 10 honeycombs mm 448 €1.00 Tooth spacer for 10 honeycombs (448 mm). It serves to distribute the frames in the hive with greater precision and speed. It can be applied to a 50x50 hive. Add to basket
-10% Beehives Antivarroa hive DB 10 nomadic honeycombs complete with melarium and waxed frames €162.00 €180.00 Nomadic hive, with antivarroa bottom, complete with super, threaded frames, cable cover, sheet metal cover and various accessories, excluding the transport mask. Add to basket
Equipment for sale Gift box with 2 250g jars. €0.90 Corrugated cardboard box for two short 212ml jars (250 g of honey). The internal dimensions are approx. 70x140x90mm Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Api Life Var (1 sachet containing two tablets) €2.66 €2.95 11 g Api Life Var evaporating tablets, for the control of varroa. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Queen Excluder, plastic wire 420x506, Langstroth/Dadant €3.33 €3.70 Queen excluder, plastic wire, cm 42x50,6 (for 10 frames hive) Model Europa, special plastic for food. Thinner compared to metal ones and, therefore, easier to be carried and installed in hives. Very precise and smooth spaces that do not damage passing bees. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Queen excluding mesh confinement cage €46.80 €52.00 Queen excluding mesh confinement cage to combat varroa mites in an organic way, for D.B. nest frames. Cage insulator for COVATE BLOCK in galvanized steel with queen excluder grid It completely isolates the D.B. EASY TO APPLY, consisting of 2 pieces: Cage isolator with queen excluder + upper crosspiece Dim .: L = 44.50 H = 32.0 SP. = 5.00 cm Add to basket
Accessories Plastic 10-comb transportation grille €5.50 Plastic transportation grille to be fitted on the front of the migration hive, between the bottom and the porch, very useful during transportation. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary 1000 g galvanised wire for frames €13.50 €15.00 Frame-reinforcing galvanised wire. Thickness 0.45 mm Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Plastic service case for 8 DB or LG combs €38.25 €42.50 New service case for 8 Dadant or Langstroth combs Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 10 frame hives €9.10 Pre-folded sheet for standard hive roofs (475x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 11 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 11 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 11-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive supers. Add to basket