Accessories Bottom frame-holding spacer 12 frames €7.00 Spacer mm 448, for 12 tel beehive, from the bottom, made of sturdy galvanized sheet. It is fixed at the bottom of the hive under the honeycombs of the nest and prevents their oscillation during nomadism. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 12 frames, 448 mm €0.40 Toothed frame spacer for 12 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 12-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive brood nests. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Grid Exclude queen cm 50x50 for beehive of 12 honeycombs Dadant in plastic €7.65 €8.50 Queen excluder, plastic wire, cm 50x50 (for 12 frames hive) Model Europa, special plastic for food. Thinner compared to metal ones and, therefore, easier to be carried and installed in hives. Very precise and smooth spaces that do not damage passing bees. Add to basket
Accessories Protection for 12 frame hives €4.80 Sheet metal protection for 12 frame hives. It is used to protect the hive porch from the bad weather. The protection is used for "migration" hives only, i.e. those provided with a porch. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Frame-holding shelf €18.00 €20.00 Stainless steel shelf to support the nest frames during operations on the beehive. This shelf can be hooked outside the hive wall to hold the first combs that are removed to allow more free space inside the hive. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 9 frames, 383 mm €0.35 Sheet metal frame spacer for 9 frames. It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 43x50 hives. The 9-frame spacer is a standard for 10 frame hive supers. Add to basket
Beehives Metal sheet profile for the protection of polystyrene boxes €1.35 Galvanised metal sheet profile to protect the edges of polystyrene boxes. Dimensions: 470X20x20, suitable for polystyrene boxes WITH feeder. Add to basket
Accessories Spacer 10 honeycombs mm 448 €1.00 Tooth spacer for 10 honeycombs (448 mm). It serves to distribute the frames in the hive with greater precision and speed. It can be applied to a 50x50 hive. Add to basket
-15% Beehives Hot brand for beehives €242.25 €285.00 Hot brand for beehives with gas burner and hose (without pressure regulator and type). Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary American stainless steel tool €12.42 €13.80 American stainless steel tool with a large chisel and a scraper Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Api-Bioxal 35 g. €14.85 €16.50 Api-Bioxal is the only oxalic acid-based product which can be used in Italy to fight against bee varroosis. For further details and to download the information materials, please click on the product link. Add to basket
Accessories Perforated and toothed door for 10-comb beehive (with guides) €1.40 Toothed and perforated gate valve mm. 380, with guides, for hive of 10 honeycombs. The perforated part is used during family travel and allows the aeration of the hive. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Tool with stainless steel spur €9.90 €11.00 Tool with stainless steel spur. The special laser-cut notched profile makes it easy to detach heavily-propolised combs. The scraper and the chisel have the same function as the American tool. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Grille queen excluder 43x50 €7.20 €8.00 Drawn and galvanised steel grille queen excluder 43x50 (for 10-comb hives). The queen is prevented from reaching the super-hive and lay eggs. This allows keeping the super-hive combs clean and makes them less attractive for the wax moth, which is attracted by the smell of brood. Excellent galvanizing and finishing. The sticks are not welded, but inserted... Add to basket
Accessories Backing for hive tool €0.45 Metal backing for hive tool to prevent damage to the part of the hive where the hive tool is inserted. To be placed on the side free from "simple" corners. Add to basket
Pollen production and Propolis Small external pollen collection trap €41.00 This is a pollen trap, about 25 centimeters wide, to be placed outside the swarm holder (small hive) Add to basket