Accessories Plastic 10-comb transportation grille €5.50 Plastic transportation grille to be fitted on the front of the migration hive, between the bottom and the porch, very useful during transportation. Add to basket
Accessories Protection for 12 frame hives €4.80 Sheet metal protection for 12 frame hives. It is used to protect the hive porch from the bad weather. The protection is used for "migration" hives only, i.e. those provided with a porch. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Wooden partition frame €6.30 €7.00 The headboard is made of wood and the panel is in plywood. Same size as a Dadant Blatt frame. It is used to reduce the internal width of the hive when there is a family smaller than the number of combs in the hive, or to divide two families present in the same hive. Dimensions: 45/47 x 32cm. Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 12 frame hives €12.50 Pre-folded sheet for 12 frame hive roofs (545x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Galvanized angle screws, 21x40 €0.45 €0.50 Galvanized angle screws to fasten carrying masks. Hives provided by us are not equipped with carrying masks and angle screws. Two angle screws are necessary for each hive. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Galvanized nails for hives, 16x60, 1 kg. €9.00 €10.00 Galvanized nails, 16x60 (per kg). Suitable to nail hives. Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 10 frame hives €9.10 Pre-folded sheet for standard hive roofs (475x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 11 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 11 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 11-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive supers. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Sheet metal drawer/tray cm. 38,5 X 46,5 c/a (for mobile bottom of 10 honeycombs) €4.14 €4.60 Galvanized sheet metal tray for the anti-varroa floor to collect varroa mites during treatments. Add to basket
-15% Beehives Glass observation super-hive 43x50 for 10-comb hive €90.10 €106.00 Glass and wood observation super-hive. It can be opened on all sides. Suitable both for observation hives and regular hives. Frequently used for learning purposes. Add to basket
Prophylaxis Cage for HF brood rearing €1.85 This special cage confines the queen bee, thus blocking egg laying for a long period without jeopardising her health condition. This system allows effective treatments against varroa mites. Dim: cm. 5x8x2,5 Add to basket
-10% Accessories Queen Excluder, plastic wire 420x506, Langstroth/Dadant €3.33 €3.70 Queen excluder, plastic wire, cm 42x50,6 (for 10 frames hive) Model Europa, special plastic for food. Thinner compared to metal ones and, therefore, easier to be carried and installed in hives. Very precise and smooth spaces that do not damage passing bees. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for sale Tawny adhesive tape 50 mm (132 metres!) €3.51 €3.90 Professional packaging adhesive tape (tawny colour). H 5 cm Length approx. 132 metres Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Lisoplus 5 lt €248.20 €292.00 Apiforte has definitively changed its name, the new commercial name is Lisoplus (European registered trademark) It improves the hygienic conditions in the hive and significantly increases the performance of the colonies and their resistance to external pathogens. IDEAL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary 1000 g galvanised wire for frames €13.50 €15.00 Frame-reinforcing galvanised wire. Thickness 0.45 mm Add to basket
-10% Accessories Galvanized angle screws, 21x40 €0.45 €0.50 Galvanized angle screws to fasten carrying masks. Hives provided by us are not equipped with carrying masks and angle screws. Two angle screws are necessary for each hive. Add to basket
Accessories Cap for crown board hole, 45 mm €0.30 Plastic cap for crown board, diam. 45 mm Add to basket
Accessories Backing for hive tool €0.65 Metal backing for hive tool to prevent damage to the part of the hive where the hive tool is inserted. To be placed on the side free from "simple" corners. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis APITRAZ (PACKET OF 10 STRIPS) €30.60 €34.00 Product for anti-varroa treatment. The active principle is Amitraz. The packet contains 10 strips, for the treatment of 5 families on 10/12 frames (2 strips / family) or 10 swarms on 5/6 frames (1 strip each). THE PRODUCT CAN ONLY BE SOLD ON THE ITALIAN TERRITORY, R.S.MARINO AND VATICAN. Add to basket