Accessories spacer for 6 combs 233 mm €0.30 Toothed spacer for 6 combs (233 mm). Useful to place the frames into the hive in a more precise and quick way. Add to basket
Beehives Punched metal sheet lid for hives €9.90 Sturdy punched galvanised metal sheet lid suitable for 5 and 6-frame hives. Dimensions: About 29x51x11 cm Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 10 frame hives €9.10 Pre-folded sheet for standard hive roofs (475x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
-10% Accessories Grid Exclude queen cm 50x50 for beehive of 12 honeycombs Dadant in plastic €7.65 €8.50 Queen excluder, plastic wire, cm 50x50 (for 12 frames hive) Model Europa, special plastic for food. Thinner compared to metal ones and, therefore, easier to be carried and installed in hives. Very precise and smooth spaces that do not damage passing bees. Add to basket
Accessories Hive handle €1.60 Handle for hive complete with galvanized steel plate (screws are not included). It is a trunk type handle. Add to basket
Accessories Bottom frame-holding spacer €6.10 Bottom spacer 383x10x25 made of sturdy galvanised metal sheet. It can be fitted on the bottom of the beehive, under the combs to prevent them from swinging during transportation. Add to basket
-10% Laboratory equipment Plastic double-mesh strainer, 30 cm €32.40 €36.00 Plastic strainer with steel clamps, diam. 30 cm, consisting of two sieves (fine mesh and large mesh) for 50/100/200 kg ripeners. Add to basket
-10% Accessories 46 cm wide metal sheet drawer (movable base for 12 combs) €4.41 €4.90 Galvanised metal sheet drawer to be fitted in the anti-varroa bottom to collect varroa mites during treatments. Add to basket
-10% Beehives 9 frame super, 43x50 (for 10 frame hive), unnailed €14.85 €16.50 Supers 43 x DB 50, DB 10 per hive honeycombs, unnailed and unpainted, with spacers. Add to basket
-10% Laboratory equipment Large stainless steel spatula €10.35 €11.50 Large multipurpose stainless steel spatula with plastic handle Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis APITRAZ (PACKET OF 10 STRIPS) €30.60 €34.00 Product for anti-varroa treatment. The active principle is Amitraz. The packet contains 10 strips, for the treatment of 5 families on 10/12 frames (2 strips / family) or 10 swarms on 5/6 frames (1 strip each). THE PRODUCT CAN ONLY BE SOLD ON THE ITALIAN TERRITORY, R.S.MARINO AND VATICAN. Add to basket
-15% Feed bees Canditappo (practical cap that opens the envelope) €0.51 €0.60 Plastic tool that can open the candy bag. Furthermore, positioned in the hole in the cable cover, it raises the bag, facilitating the passage of bees. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Reinforced latex gloves, "Parazigrinati", long sleeve €11.70 €13.00 Thick, reinforced latex gloves indicate size small, medium or large. Rolled hem with drip tape. Sizes available 9-10-11. Length cm. 35 Add to basket
Accessories Metal corner for hive €0.15 Metal corner joint for hive to connect the brood nest and the super. It is advisable to use 3 joints for each hive, two in the front and one in the back of the hive brood nest. The fourth corner (free) is used to allow the insertion of the hive tool when it is necessary to raise the crown board (or the super). A tool-rest joint may be inserted in the... Add to basket
Production of royal jelly and queens Queen marking colour (bottle only) €4.20 Queen marking colour bottle (Specify colour. Available colours: green, blue, white, yellow, red). Add to basket