Accessories Frame spacer for 12 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 12 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 12-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive brood nests. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 11 frames, 448 mm €0.35 Toothed frame spacer for 11 frames (448 mm). It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 50x50 hives. The 11-frame spacer is a standard for 12 frame hive supers. Add to basket
Accessories Spacer 10 honeycombs mm 448 €1.00 Tooth spacer for 10 honeycombs (448 mm). It serves to distribute the frames in the hive with greater precision and speed. It can be applied to a 50x50 hive. Add to basket
Accessories Snap-hoof for floor €0.80 Snap-hook for fixing hive movable parts. Three screws are necessary for each hook (not included). Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 9 frames, 383 mm €0.30 Sheet metal frame spacer for 9 frames. It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 43x50 hives. The 9-frame spacer is a standard for 10 frame hive supers. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Round plastic bee escape, 8 exits, 43X50 cm board €13.95 €15.50 Round plastic bee escape, 8 exits, assembled on a 43x50 cm board Add to basket
Beehives Crown board, 43x50 €12.50 43x50 raised rim crown board for 10 frame hives. With a 45 mm diam. feeder hole and a plastic lid. Add to basket
-15% Beehives Type for brand (letters or digits) €28.48 €33.50 Supplementary type for brand (letters or digits) Specify what letter or digit you need, e.g. “A”, “B” or “1”, etc. (The price refers to the specific item) Add to basket
Accessories Dadant 10 honeycomb hive mask cover 435 mm €4.00 Sheet metal protection for 10 frame hives. It is used to protect the hive porch from the bad weather. The protection is used for "migration" hives only, i.e. those provided with a porch. Add to basket
Accessories Snap-hoof for floor €0.80 Snap-hook for fixing hive movable parts. Three screws are necessary for each hook (not included). Add to basket
-10% Beehives Pollen collector grille €6.44 €7.15 Round-hole plastic grille for pollen collector, smooth, 8-hole series. Dimensions: 4 mm hole diameter, 110 mm height, 385 mm length, 2 mm thickness. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Reinforced latex gloves, "Parazigrinati", long sleeve €11.70 €13.00 Thick, reinforced latex gloves indicate size small, medium or large. Rolled hem with drip tape. Sizes available 9-10-11. Length cm. 35 Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Cleaning scraper for queen excluder €16.38 €18.20 Scraper for queen excluder. A useful comb-shaped tool with 10 notches having the same size as the space between the queen excluder threads and a sturdy handle. This tool is essential to clean the queen excluder at the end of the season. On the other side, the straight scraper can be used to clean the wooden frame. Add to basket
-30% Feed bees Fructose/glucose syrup (liquid feed for bees) kg. 25 €50.40 €72.00 This Pure Nectar Syrup is a liquid sugary food with high nutritional value composed of glucose and fructose syrup. The use of the syrup in beekeeping compensates for the natural nutrition of the bees, in periods when the family has the greatest need for a source of food. Indispensable to increase the hive's food supplies, to face particularly adverse... Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Small cleaner AMY, painted €11.43 €12.70 Painted steel cleaner. The second one from the right in the picture. Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for bee box €13.23 €14.70 Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for polystyrene 6-comb box. The price includes the comb-cover cap and the feeder cup. Add to basket
-10% Equipments Round hat mask, axillary €32.40 €36.00 Round, one-size-fits-all underarm mask. It guarantees a better view and does not touch neither the nose nor the ears. Unlike in the photo, it may be yellow. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary AMY small stainless steel scraping tool €9.45 €10.50 Painted steel scraping tool In the picture, the second from the right. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Wire crimper €10.53 €11.70 Thread tensioner knurler. It is used to pull and wave the thread, to ensure that the wax sheet is better fixed on the frame. Add to basket