-10% Publications Book “Apicoltura Tecnica e Pratica” / Technical and practical Beekeeping - Pistoia -... €32.40 €36.00 A new updated version of the book, containing more than 400 images, drawings, charts and tables and several description sheets. Add to basket
-15% Publications Photographic Kit Frames for Didactic Beehive 22 Cards €97.75 €115.00 Photo series of 6 nest frames and 5 super frames.The didactic photographic kit allows you to show students or for demonstrations the life of bees inside a hive, perfectly simulating the various frames inside. The kit includes both nest and super boards.The laminated cards depict exactly what a beekeeper finds upon opening a hive: photos of honeycombs well... Add to basket
-10% Publications Poster "Frames and wax", 60x90 cm €17.55 €19.50 Photographic poster "Frames and wax", colour printed on cardboard 60x90 cm, plasticized, complete with metal rail and hook. Add to basket
-10% Publications Photographic poster “The forager bee” 60x90 cm €17.55 €19.50 “The forager bee” 60x90cm photographic poster on colour-printed plasticised cardboard, with metal strap and hook. Add to basket
-5% Publications Book "Le api" - Contessi €39.90 €42.00 Le api / Bees by A. Contessi -- Edagricole Add to basket
-10% Publications “The tasks of worker bees” photographic poster 60x90cm €17.55 €19.50 “The tasks of worker bees” 60x90cm photographic poster on colour-printed plasticised cardboard, with metal strap and hook. Add to basket
-10% Publications Poster "The cycle of bees" €10.80 €12.00 Poster showing the life-cycle of bees, 88x64 cm, colour printed on cardboard, plasticized. Add to basket
-10% Publications Photographic poster “The forager bee” 60x90 cm €17.55 €19.50 “The forager bee” 60x90cm photographic poster on colour-printed plasticised cardboard, with metal strap and hook. Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for bee box €13.23 €14.70 Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for polystyrene 6-comb box. The price includes the comb-cover cap and the feeder cup. Add to basket
-10% Publications Poster "The cycle of bees" €10.80 €12.00 Poster showing the life-cycle of bees, 88x64 cm, colour printed on cardboard, plasticized. Add to basket
Equipment for sale Cardboard box, 12 500g-jars €1.05 Strong corrugated cardboard box for 12 500g glass jars. Inner dimensions: 34x25x12(h) cm. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Danger signal, Watch out Bees €9.45 €10.50 Single-sided forex sign, in the shape of a triangle (cm 30x 30x30), thickness 5 mm, to hang near the apiary to signal the risk. Add to basket
Laboratory equipment Large plastic comb for comb honey €4.10 Plastic comb for the production of comb honey Add to basket
Equipment for sale Beehive/Partitions for 12 jars of 500 g jars €0.60 Dimensions: 33x24x10 cm. Add to basket
Pollen production and Propolis Microstretched stainless steel mesh 200X380 mm (rhomboid space 3.5) - for pollen trap... €7.00 Microstretched stainless steel mesh 200X380 mm (rhomboid space 3.5) - for pollen trap drawer, suitable for contact with food. Generally it is cut into 3 pieces for the castruction of three pollen traps. Add to basket