-20% Prophylaxis Professional sublimator SUBLIMOX Plus €392.00 €490.00 Oxalic acid sublimation device. Add to basket
Prophylaxis Sulphur discs approx. 140 g, 15 pcs €4.50 Sulphur discs to treat the materials against the wax moth. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Lisoplus 250 ml €27.90 €31.00 Apiforte has definitively changed its name, the new commercial name is Lisoplus (European registered trademark) Improves hygienic conditions in the hive and greatly increases the performance of colonies and their resistance to external pathogens IDEAL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING Add to basket
-20% Prophylaxis Swinging lid kit for Sublimox that automates the appliance €240.00 €300.00 ATTENTION: it is understood that the tilting kit is a complementary accessory to the sublimator that must be applied to the Sublimox. The device allows continuous sublimation with fast charging. It replaces the Teflon caps that came with the appliance. In the photo the Kit is already mounted on the sublimator. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apiguard 50 g €3.15 €3.50 Apiguard is a gel containing thymol for varroosis treatment. Add to basket
Equipments Cartoncino assorbente mm 350x500x2 €1.20 Absorbent pure cellulose cardboard 50x35x0.2 cm Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apivar strips (packet of 10 strips - Amitraz active principle) €30.60 €34.00 Amitraz-based strips to treat varroosis. Every bag contains 10 plastic strips. Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Hornet and wasp bottle trap. Packet of 5 pieces €10.20 €12.00 How it works: TAP-TRAP® is a very simple, yet effective, bio-trap to catch massive quantities of flying harmful insects. The following baits are recommended for hornets and wasps (also Asian hornets): - half litre of water + 3 spoons of sugar or honey + 1 glass of red vinegar, or - half litre of beer + 2 spoons of sugar or honey, or half litre of white... Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis OXALICA START 12 volt-130 watt sublimator (battery not included) €106.25 €125.00 Sublimator for oxalic acid without temperature control, ideal for hobbyist beekeepers or with few hives to treat.. The duration of the treatment is 3 minutes per beehive. To speed up operations, for cooling, the cup can be immersed in cold water, there is no risk of a short circuit, as it is equipped with good insulation of the electrical circuit. Made in... Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis 60 ml needleless syringe €1.70 €2.00 Sterile syringe, made of plastic, without needle for dosing the products inside the hive. Also useful for filling Royal Jelly bottles. Add to basket
-10% Accessories 50x50 queen excluder with drawn and galvanized steel grid €11.07 €12.30 Metal wire queen excluder, 5x50 cm (for 12 frames hives), made of drawn and galvanized steel. It allows preventing the queen from entering the super and laying eggs. It allows having always clean super frames and makes them also less attractive for wax moths which are attracted by the brood smell. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Sulphur discs 1000 g. €17.55 €19.50 Sulphur discs to treat the materials against the wax moth. Add to basket
Equipment for sale 500 g glass jar, 20 pieces €12.00 500 g honey jars with twist-off cap. Add to basket
Accessories Cap for crown board hole, 42 mm €0.30 Plastic cap for crown board, diam. 42 mm Add to basket
-15% Feed bees Canditappo (practical cap that opens the envelope) €0.51 €0.60 Plastic tool that can open the candy bag. Furthermore, positioned in the hole in the cable cover, it raises the bag, facilitating the passage of bees. Add to basket
Accessories Pre-folded sheet for 10 frame hives €9.10 Pre-folded sheet for standard hive roofs (475x545x107 mm). The wooden frame is not included. Add to basket
Equipment for sale WHITE jar holder box for 3 jars gr. 250 of honey €1.00 Gift box containing 3 250g jars. WHITE grosgrain carton, without writings or drawings. cm 21,5 x 9,5 x 7 Add to basket
-10% Beehives 5-comb super-hive (for 6-comb hives) €15.75 €17.50 5-comb super-hive for 6-comb hives Super-hive height 17 cm, painted and fitted with metal spacers. THE PICTURE SHOWS THE 43X50 SUPER-HIVE Add to basket
-10% Equipment for sale “High” 106 ml glass jar (125 g), 48 mouth, 40-pcs packet €16.20 €18.00 Glass jar for 125 gr. of honey, complete with twist off lid diameter 48 (thermopacks of 40 pieces). Height of the vase: about 7 centimeters. Add to basket