-20% Prophylaxis Lisoplus 1 lt €76.00 €95.00 Improves hygienic conditions in the hive and greatly increases the performance of colonies and their resistance to external pathogens IDEAL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING Add to basket
-10% New Feed bees POLYSTYRENE feeder with honeycomb cover for CURTA hive €8.10 €9.00 Polystyrene feeder with honeycomb cover for 6-comb polystyrene hive "CURTA" Add to basket
Equipments Inverto fix ml. 250 €15.00 INVERTO-FIX is a product for the inversion of sugar in SYRUP, suitable for feeding bees. It is used to convert Sugar into monosaccharides (Glucose and Fructose), therefore in a product similar in composition to honey. Add to basket
-15% Feed bees Syrup for bees FRUCTOPLUS (ICKO) 14 KG €29.75 €35.00 Fructoplus - bee feed syrup made from cereals. Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Pocket feeder for super-hive €9.45 €10.50 Dadand Blatt plastic pocket feeder which replaces the usual frame in the hive. It can be yellow, see picture, or in another colour. Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Lisoplus 5 lt €248.20 €292.00 Apiforte has definitively changed its name, the new commercial name is Lisoplus (European registered trademark) It improves the hygienic conditions in the hive and significantly increases the performance of the colonies and their resistance to external pathogens. IDEAL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING Add to basket
Feed bees Round plastic top feeding tray, 1.5 l €3.80 Cylindrical feeder with lid and glass, to be applied over the honeycomb cover through a hole with a diameter of approximately 43 mm, capacity 1.5 litres. Dimensions: diameter cm. 24, height cm. 6. Complete with lid and glass. Add to basket
Feed bees Candied Kg. 1- nourishment for bees €3.00 Candied, bee food. It is indicated for the need for stocks and to stimulate the reproduction of broods.Storage at temperatures below 25 ° is recommended. The photo on the site is not representative, it may be Apicandy or similar brand, depending on availability at the time. Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for bee box €13.23 €14.70 Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for polystyrene 6-comb box. The price includes the comb-cover cap and the feeder cup. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary PVC spare bellows for smoker €9.81 €10.90 Spare bellows for smoker (both for 8 cm and 10 cm smokers) Add to basket
-15% Feed bees Canditappo (practical cap that opens the envelope) €0.51 €0.60 Plastic tool that can open the candy bag. Furthermore, positioned in the hole in the cable cover, it raises the bag, facilitating the passage of bees. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apivar strips (packet of 10 strips - Amitraz active principle) €30.60 €34.00 Amitraz-based strips to treat varroosis. Every bag contains 10 plastic strips. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Dispenser Ossalico-Probee-Varromed €11.70 €13.00 5/10 ml dispenser of oxalic, Probee and other liquid products to be administered in the hive. Complete with bottle and connection tube. Attention: the cost refers to a single piece. Add to basket
Accessories Perforated and toothed door for 10-comb beehive (with guides) €1.40 Toothed and perforated gate valve mm. 380, with guides, for hive of 10 honeycombs. The perforated part is used during family travel and allows the aeration of the hive. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary AMY small stainless steel scraping tool €9.45 €10.50 Painted steel scraping tool In the picture, the second from the right. Add to basket
-25% Various Honey filled candies, 1000 g €15.00 €20.00 Individually wrapped candies filled with honey. Add to basket
Feed bees Cup fort round feeders (2 l) €1.15 Cup for cylindrical plastic feeder, to be installed on the comb cover in a 45mm hole. Capacity 2 litres Add to basket
-15% Prophylaxis Api-Bioxal 175 g. €53.98 €63.50 Api-Bioxal is the only oxalic acid-based product which can be used in Italy to fight against bee varroosis. For further details and to download the information materials, please click on the product link. Add to basket