-10% Laboratory equipment Large stainless steel spatula €11.25 €12.50 Large multipurpose stainless steel spatula with plastic handle Add to basket
-10% New Work and safety Summer shirt, T-Shirt, 100% cotton-LARGE SIZES €6.30 €7.00 Summer shirt, T-Shirt, 100% cotton. Available colors: orange-red-gray-blue royal-blue-white-green. Available sizes: XXXXL-XXXXXL. To order specify color and sizes Add to basket
-10% Work and safety "U-POWER" low safety shoe €94.50 €105.00 "U-POWER" SAFETY SHOE RED LION-MODEL EMOTION S1P SRC Add to basket
Feed bees Cover for 2 l cylindrical feeder €2.15 Spare part - Plastic cover for 2 l cylindrical feeder Add to basket
-10% Laboratory equipment DV2 semi-automatic uncapping machine, electrically-heated blades €6,525.00 €7,250.00 The large “DV4” uncapping machine is fully automatic and may be oversized for some professional beekeepers. This is why we designed this new lighter and cheaper simplified version, which is as sturdy and reliable as all other products made by us. Add to basket
Equipments Cartoncino assorbente mm 350x500x2 €1.20 Absorbent pure cellulose cardboard 50x35x0.2 cm Add to basket
-10% Laboratory equipment Manual stainless steel honey stirrer €63.90 €71.00 Stainless steel honey stirrer to make crystallising honey creamy, 15 cm diameter, 74 cm length. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis APITRAZ (PACKET OF 10 STRIPS) €30.60 €34.00 Product for anti-varroa treatment. The active principle is Amitraz. The packet contains 10 strips, for the treatment of 5 families on 10/12 frames (2 strips / family) or 10 swarms on 5/6 frames (1 strip each). THE PRODUCT CAN ONLY BE SOLD ON THE ITALIAN TERRITORY, R.S.MARINO AND VATICAN. Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Pocket feeder for super-hive €9.45 €10.50 Dadand Blatt plastic pocket feeder which replaces the usual frame in the hive. It can be yellow, see picture, or in another colour. Add to basket
Equipments Inverto fix ml. 250 €15.00 INVERTO-FIX is a product for the inversion of sugar in SYRUP, suitable for feeding bees. It is used to convert Sugar into monosaccharides (Glucose and Fructose), therefore in a product similar in composition to honey. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for sale “Short” 106 ml glass jar (125 g), 53 mouth, 40-pcs packet €16.20 €18.00 Glass jar for 125 g of honey, including twist-off cap of 53 diameter (shrink-wrapped in 50 pcs). Height of the jar: approx. 6 cm. Add to basket
Accessories Frame spacer for 9 frames, 383 mm €0.30 Sheet metal frame spacer for 9 frames. It is used to distribute frames in the hive more accurately and quickly. It can be used on 43x50 hives. The 9-frame spacer is a standard for 10 frame hive supers. Add to basket
Equipment for sale Cardboard box, 6 1000g-jars €1.05 Strong corrugated cardboard box for 6 1000g glass jars. Inner dimensions: 30x19x15 (h) cm. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Genuine leather spare bellows for smoker €21.15 €23.50 Genuine leather spare bellows for all smoker models Add to basket
-10% Laboratory equipment Stainless steel uncapping stand for stainless steel tray €49.50 €55.00 Uncapping stand for stainless steel tray, stainless steel Add to basket
-10% Equipment for sale “High” 106 ml glass jar (125 g), 48 mouth, 40-pcs packet €16.20 €18.00 Glass jar for 125 gr. of honey, complete with twist off lid diameter 48 (thermopacks of 40 pieces). Height of the vase: about 7 centimeters. Add to basket
-10% Accessories 50x50 queen excluder with drawn and galvanized steel grid €11.07 €12.30 Metal wire queen excluder, 5x50 cm (for 12 frames hives), made of drawn and galvanized steel. It allows preventing the queen from entering the super and laying eggs. It allows having always clean super frames and makes them also less attractive for wax moths which are attracted by the brood smell. Add to basket
Prophylaxis “Chinese” type extensible brood rearing cage €1.40 Extendable plastic cage for brood lock. Add to basket
-15% Equipment for the apiary Stainless steel 8 cm smoker without protection grille €27.71 €32.60 Stainless steel smoker, 8 cm diameter, with imitation leather bellows. Unlike the one in the picture, this item is not fitted with the protection grille (to be purchased separately). Add to basket
-10% Equipment for sale Hexagon glass jar, 190 ml (24 pieces), with cap €19.80 €22.00 Glass hexagon jar (190 ml - 250 g), with diam. 58 mm twist-off cap. Dimensions 70x70x90 mm. Add to basket