-10% Equipment for the apiary Genuine leather spare bellows for smoker €21.15 €23.50 Genuine leather spare bellows for all smoker models Add to basket
-10% Home Summer Work Pants (Plus Size 4XL - 5XL) €26.10 €29.00 Work trousers, summer, 100% cotton, (gray and blue colors). Available in the following sizes: XXXXL / XXXXXL/ (to be specified when ordering) Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Plastic opening lever €6.93 €7.70 Opening lever in plastic material, very sturdy, useful for opening plastic cans (supplied in the available colors). Add to basket
-15% Feed bees Canditappo (practical cap that opens the envelope) €0.51 €0.60 Plastic tool that can open the candy bag. Furthermore, positioned in the hole in the cable cover, it raises the bag, facilitating the passage of bees. Add to basket
Equipment for the apiary Metal net to ventilate the swarm-holding box 27X49 cm €2.70 Micro-expanded metal net to be installed as a cover to guarantee air circulation for the family during transportation. Dimensions: 27x49 cm Add to basket
-10% Feed bees Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for bee box €13.23 €14.70 Polystyrene comb-covering feeder for polystyrene 6-comb box. The price includes the comb-cover cap and the feeder cup. Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Hive tool, model "Italia", painted €13.50 €15.00 Painted steel hive tool, model "Italia". Add to basket
-10% Equipment for the apiary Pen / Stick After Bites for bees, wasps, mosquitoes and other insects €4.50 €5.00 Stik pen after sting bees, mosquitoes and various insects, which reduces the sensation of pain and itching. Contains ammonia, therefore to be used with all necessary precautions, avoiding contact with eyes, mucous membranes, injured or inflamed parts or with other pathologies. Add to basket
-15% Production of wax and wax sheets Electric wax embedder - with 24V current transformer, 220V €55.25 €65.00 Electric wax embedder with current transformer. 220-volt power supply. Output: 24 volts. Add to basket
-15% Equipment for the apiary Beekeeper trousers €25.76 €30.30 Beekeeper trousers, made of 100% yellow cotton, non-shrink, sizes M-L-XL-XXL-XXXL Add to basket
Production of royal jelly and queens Queen bee-confining cage with feeding cap €0.32 Used to breed queen bees with the “Gioco delle Regine”. Add to basket
Accessories Perforated and toothed door for 12-comb hive (with guides) €1.40 Toothed and perforated door mm. 445, with guides, for hive of 12 frames. The perforated part is used during family travel and allows the aeration of the hive. Add to basket
-10% Prophylaxis Apistan, anti-varroa strips (1 pack contains 10 strips) €31.50 €35.00 Apistan. Anti-varroa strips. Each pack contains 10 strips, sufficient for the treatment of 5 colonies. Indeed, it is sufficient to use two strips per hive, inserting them between the frames. Add to basket
Accessories Rotating disk, four positions €1.00 Rotating disk with 4 positions for crown boards. The positions are: closed, open, aeration, queen excluder. In the "open" position, it allows inserting the cylindrical or square feeder. The total diameter is 125 mm. The diameter of the hole is 45 mm. Add to basket
Production of royal jelly and queens Queen marking colour (bottle only) €4.20 Queen marking colour bottle (Specify colour. Available colours: green, blue, white, yellow, red). Add to basket
Equipment for the apiary Heat shield for smoker, 10 cm €4.60 Heat shield for smoker, diam. 10 cm Add to basket